Small Business Photography
Seagull Photographic Art is a BIG supporter of SMALL BUSINESS. We’re happy to announce that we offer photography for your small business.
Having professional images for your small business can make all the difference in the world.
A photograph is often the first impression your small business will make. Hiring SEAGULL Photographic Art to take photos of you, your team, your building, and your products is an easy way to help your brand stand out and tell your customers that you are committed to quality.
Professional Business Portraits tell people that you’re professional and approachable. Photos of your staff bring friendliness and create an instant connection. The photographs can be used for your website, social media sites, business cards, presentations, press releases and brochures.
Professional Product Photographs on your website will influence a new customer’s first impression of your product.
If this is the year to take your small business up to the next level then consider hiring us to take your Business Portraits, your Staff’s Business Portraits, Photos of your Store, and Photos of your Products.
Invest in Seagull Photographic Art for your small business. You and your business are worth it! Business Portraits start at $150. Please contact us for more details.