Making the time to train was more difficult than I’d imagined it would be. It was hard to put training before family and work. Sometimes it didn’t come first which put me four weeks behind schedule. The most I was able to run while training was 8 miles. Despite not reaching my training goals I still decided to continue with running the race. My first goal was just to start the race. Then it was to finish the race. Then I made a goal to come in under 3 hours.
On race day, seeing all the woman athletes together was awe-inspiring! I could feel the energy – the LOVE and mutual respect for each other. Not everyone looked like an athlete but obviously we all were – anyone who can run 20 miles a week for several weeks is an athlete.
While we were waiting for the start of the race, it started to rain. I panicked inside because I hadn’t trained in the rain. The first thought in my head was “well lets go, we can’t run in the rain”. But then I looked at my kids faces on the other side of the rope and thought, what would this teach them? It stopped raining after about 5 minutes. Waiting was tough. The self-doubt came. Me? A runner? Finally the air horn blew. It took about another 10 minutes to bring my walk to a jog because there were so many runners in front of me. It was so exciting just to cross the start line!
I remember being so present * in the now * during the race. I had many thoughts of “I’m really doing this. I’m really running in a race.” I held back tears of joy. The first 5 miles felt great and easy. The next 5 miles were hard and I became more focused and serious. When I hit the 10 miles marker I hit the infamous “wall”. I didn’t really know what that meant before. It means my legs felt like they were made out of stone. I felt complete exhaustion. I just wanted to lay down in the grass of the park and stare at the clouds. I tried to rationalize why that would be acceptable – I mean after all it was my first race ever – it would be understandable. I stopped running and started walking. Then I thought of having to explain to our boys why I didn’t finish. I started running. Every pounding step felt like hell. I alternated between walking and running for the next two miles. One foot…in front of…the other.
Just when I was feeling like I would be running this race for the rest of my life…a man yelled out “you’re almost there, keep going”. I didn’t believe him. I rounded the corner and there it was…The Finish Line! I couldn’t believe my eyes. I picked up my pace and crossed the finish line! Smiling! I DID IT! I really did it! Then I cried like a baby. The ugly cry…right there in front of all those people at the finish line. A lady placed a medal on a ribbon around my neck. Then I saw my wonderfully supportive husband and our beautiful boys with this amazed look on their faces – like I was some kind of super hero. My final time was 2:46:19. So I did it! I reached my goals! I started. I finished. And came in under 3 hours. I know thats not a fantasic time but for me it was truly fantastic!
I’m no longer calling it a half-marathon – nothing about the exhaustion, or pain, or training, or the thrill of finishing, felt like “half”. I’m now calling it a 13.1 mile race.
Thank you so very much to my wonderful family for being patient while I trained and cheering me on while I ran! And thank you to More & Fitness for creating an incredible woman’s race!
So, today is the day! Registration day! This year my goals are to finish under 2:30, to run a stronger race, and to think POSITIVE the ENTIRE time!